About Me

Bonjour !
Thank you for your interest in my portfolio! My name is Kaleigh Doan, and I pride myself on being both an inspired educator and a lifelong learner.
I graduated with the highest honors from Hope College in 2016 with majors in French Secondary Education and English Secondary Education. Without a doubt, the most influential part of my undergraduate education was the semester that I spent studying abroad in Nantes, France. In Nantes, I fell in love with the French language and culture; I suddenly knew that my life would never be the same. A few years later, I spent my first school-year post-grad living in Montpellier, France, where I worked at Lycée Jules Guesde as an English Language Teaching Assistant through the Teaching Assistant Program in France (TAPIF).
Currently, I live in northern Virginia outside of Washington, D.C., where I teach French at a diverse public high school. In 2018, I was honored to receive Prince William County Public School’s Outstanding Secondary New Teacher of the Year award. In addition to teaching multiple levels of French, I have also represented my department on our school’s technology team, welcomed a student-teacher into my classroom, chaperoned an exchange trip to France, and served as the sponsor for the French Club and Girl Up women’s empowerment club.
In May 2021, I will graduate from the Master of Arts in Foreign Language Teaching program at Michigan State University. Through this program, I have explored research-based best practices in modern foreign language teaching; this portfolio features much of my work from my master’s degree.
Thank you once again for your interest in my portfolio! If you have any questions upon browsing through my portfolio, please don't hesitate to contact me.